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USA Health Spine Institute Logo

Non-Surgical Treatment / Conservative & Holistic Care


We view surgery as the last option in treating almost all spinal disorders that our patients are facing. We believe in a true multi-disciplinary approach. Through our non-operative team you will have access to experts in all different types of spine care. We will come up with an individualized treatment plan to specifically meet your goals. This is what makes our approach different and unique.


Spine-Specialized Physical Therapy

We have physical therapists specifically trained in spine therapy with convenient locations across the region. 


Encore Rehab focuses on providing services in outpatient clinics, but also offers contract services for healthcare facilities, nursing facilities, schools, businesses, and many other settings. 

Therapists associated with Encore rehabilitation and affiliated with the USA Health Spine Institute are some of the few in the area certified in the Mckenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. This is a very rigorous approach to acute, sub-acute, and chronic back pain. It can help patients achieve relief without surgery, but it also can help patients before, immediately after, and following surgery. It’s backed by years of research, evidence, and clinical practice. It is a biopsychosocial system of musculoskeletal care emphasizing patient empowerment and self-treatment. This is assessment-driven plan focused on individualized treatment.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a form of acupuncture using very thin monofilament needles to stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscle and connective tissue for the management of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions. Local twitch responses can be noted in the trigger points, followed by tension and then pain reduction. Trained and certified physical therapists can use Dry Needling to address pain, repetitive stress injuries, muscle spasms, headaches, plantars fascitis, TMJ Dysfunction, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), SI Dysfunction, tendinitis, tendinopathy, and other conditions. 


Schroth Method

The Schroth Method is a nonsurgical option for scoliosis treatment that uses customized exercises to help return the curved spine to a more natural position. The spinal rotation in each person is unique, and Schroth exercises are tailored to the individual and can be performed in a variety of positions (standing, sitting, lying). Props often are used to assist in correcting the scoliosis (exercise balls, poles, Schroth bars).


  • Muscular Symmetry: Due to the curve changes, some areas will be smaller and weaker while others are over-worked and more prominent.  Exercise will focus to elongate the body and improve muscular symmetry. Even sleep and resting positions are addressed.

  • Posture: Postural awareness is critical. Being aware of the position of your spine is the first step in being able to correct it and to maintain the corrections, especially during day-to-day activities. It is also important to be aware of any positions or habits that may make your scoliosis worse.

  • Rotational Angular Breathing (RAB): This is a vital part of the techniques. RAB teaches the patient to breathe into the restricted ribs to help re-shape the rib cage. Once taught, this technique is applied in a variety of positions, with exercise and with activities of daily living.


Besides correction of the curve, you can expect improved posture, body awareness, easier breathing, better strength, core stability, and improved overall function. You will have a good understanding of your spine and how you can self-manage your curvature for the long-term. In addition to the Schroth Exercises, your physician may recommend customized bracing. Managing your scoliosis with bracing and the Schroth Method may be an option for patients who want to avoid surgery; however, it is important to understand that a long-term commitment to the Schroth principles and guidelines is necessary for successful treatment and good outcomes.


Descriptions courtesy of Kari Glover PT, DPT, Encore Rehabilitation – Providence Location

Spine Injections

Our interventional pain management specialists focus on providing targeted injections to help alleviate your pain and get you on the road to recovery. Injections can reduce inflammation and pain and have long been used as an adjunct to both conservative and surgical therapy. We are able to offer state of the art therapies including steroid injections, facet injection, stimulators, and radiofrequency ablations


Our pain management specialists are fellowship-trained physicians who have served our community with a proven track record of clinical excellence.

Meet Ralph Lee Irvin, M.D., Pain Management Physician at USA Health.

Pain Management

We work with your pain management doctor throughout our process.


Pain can be very challenging to manage and control. We take a truly interdisciplinary approach with multiple specialties working together to help increase your quality of life. We integrate the use of opioid and non-opioid medications. We carefully consider anti-inflammatory medications, oral steroids, muscle relaxers, neuropathic pain medication, and opioids. Medications can be used to treat both acute and chronic pain. Different types of pain respond to different medications. There is a significant, real component of emotional pain. We will work to find an individualized treatment plan that works for you.  



Health and Integrative Wellness

Acupuncture | Meditation | Yoga | Behavioral Health


We have partnered with USA Health Integrative Health and Wellness with the goal of helping your body heal and improve through proven modern and ancient technique available. We believe in a holistic approach to treating both body and mind. The Integrative Health and Wellness center helps improve lifestyles to improve outcomes. This includes things like cooking classes, meditation, yoga, and counseling. The center has its onsite cooking demonstration theatre that shows patients how to cook healthy and delicious meals at home. This is a health community that can improve your quality of life with and without surgery.

One the true benefits of an academic medical center is the integration of multiple disciplines all discussing your care. Your initial evaluation and individualized treatment plan with the spine team will be thorough and complete. 

Read about USA Health Integrative Health and Wellness in USA Health Magazine.



Diagnostic Testing

This could involve advanced imaging modalities such as a dye CT study (CT myleogram), or specific MRI or CT findings. Our radiologists are specifically fellowship trained.


Advanced spinal imaging is read by a board-certified neuroradiologist and all advanced treatment plans are discussed and reviewed in an inter-disciplinary fashion. The surgeon and the radiologist are in direct discussion.

In very complex cases, Dr. Menger will utilize a patient-specific model during surgery. This helps him plan the complex deformity correction. This is a specific model of your spine made from your CT scan. It is used before surgery for planning and during surgery to allow for the safest possible surgical technique.

Meet Brett Martin, M.D., Neuroradiologist at USA Health.



Interventional Radiology

We have fellowship trained interventional radiologists who can help when your specific treatment calls for x-ray or image guided procedures. This includes things like cement injections into fractured or weak spine bones (kyphoplasty/verteobroplasty/sacroplasty) as well as biopsy and tumor related procedures. 


We work along our interventional radiologists each step of the way. 


Meet Osama Abdul-Rahim, M.D., and Zeiad Hussain, M.D., Interventional Radiologists at USA Health.  


We come up with a precise treatment plan for you based on your individual needs. Starting 2021, we will have a chiropractor in our facility who works specifically with patients. 


We take an evidence-based approach to provide holistic and patient-centered care for our patients. We treat musculoskeletal conditions of the spine through safe and effective spinal manipulation therapy and integrate the most appropriate physiotherapeutics including traction, massage, and physical therapy.


Our chiropractic team has treated and has had tremendous success with patients that suffer from acute and/or chronic cervical, thoracic, and low back / hip pain, as well as tension headaches and extremity disorders such as shoulder, hand, and foot pain.


Our patients will have the appropriate screenings and diagnostics to ensure they are candidates for chiropractic care, and we will provide individual care plans for our patients.  


Meet Marcelo Gerjoi, PA-C, Physician Assistant at USA Health. 



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