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Non-Surgical Treatment / Conservative & Holistic Care

We view surgery as the last option in treating almost all spinal disorders that our patients are facing. We believe in a true multi-disciplinary approach. Through our non-operative team you will have access to experts in all different types of spine care. We will come up with an individualized treatment plan to specifically meet your goals. This is what makes our approach different and unique. 

Physical Therapy

Encore Rehab focuses on providing services in outpatient clinics, but also offers contract services for healthcare facilities, nursing facilities, schools, businesses, and many other settings.

Therapists associated with Encore rehabilitation and affiliated with the Complex Spine Center are some of the few in the area certified in the Mckenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. This is a very rigorous approach to acute, sub-acute, and chronic back pain. It can help patients achieve relief without surgery, but can also help patient’s before, immediately after, and following surgery. It’s backed by years of research, evidence, and clinical practice. It is a biopsychosocial system of musculoskeletal care emphasizing patient empowerment and self-treatment. This is assessment-driven plan focused on individualized treatment.

Physical Fitness


Keeping your body healthy is an essential part of good spine health. This includes are variety of core strengthening and cardiovascular fitness. For students, faculty members, staff, and affiliate members of the University of South Alabama, the campus recreation department offers a host of fitness programs. The SouthFit Program is comprised of group fitness classes, personal training, fitness certifications and workshops, and education.

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